William Cromwell, MD, FAHA, FNLA
Lipoprotein and Metabolic Disorders Institute, PLLC

Our Philosophy
Many physicians feel trapped by the complexities of current health care delivery, but powerless to “change the system”. I no longer practice in a large health care “system” that emphasizes seeing more patients, in less time, with fewer options for individualized management. Instead, I have returned to the traditional private practice of medicine and opted out of participation in all government and managed care plans. As a result, I now see fewer patients and spend more time with each patient. I recommend evaluation and treatment protocols that best meet your needs.
Our goal is to maintain a medical practice environment in which we can treat you the way we ourselves would like to be treated. We believe the importance of a patient’s trust in their physician should never be compromised. Our commitment is to “do it right” or not do it at all.
Our patients often have complex problems that need significant time and attention. Many patients come to us from the referral of other physicians and patients, some from significant distances. Because there is no substitute for genuine “face-to-face” time between a patient and their physician I reserve a full hour for your initial consultation session and 30 minutes for your follow-up visits. You will not be rushed, and all of your questions will be answered.
Your first visit will include a complete history, as well as a thorough examination. Additional testing may be needed to further evaluate your medical issues. If non-invasive vascular imaging is needed our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that enables us to detect vascular disease at extremely early stages of development. When test results come back I will contact you to discuss the findings and next steps needed to meet your needs.
We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and invite you to contact our office at the number listed below to discuss any questions.